
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Two Margaret Mullane Birthdays in April

Margaret Mullane

Daniel & Brigid (English) Mullane had a large family, born and raised in Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland where Daniel was a carriage maker. They had two little daughters named Margaret. They named their sixth child Margaret Mullane. She was born 17 April 1876. Little Margaret had two older sisters and two older brothers. Another brother, Thomas, had died from bronchitis in 1872 as a two year old toddler.

Unfortunately, little Margaret lived only ten months. She died 9 March 1877.

On 18 April 1880, just about four years after the birth of the first Margaret, Daniel and Brigid had another daughter named Margaret. This little girl did not grow to adulthood either. She died 22 July 1892 at 12 years of age.

Daniel and Brigid had 11 children all together. Sadly, four of them died as children. One of those who grew to adulthood was my great grandmother, Mary Josephine (Mullane) Coyle.

I hope to learn more about this family on my upcoming trip to Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. I've never understood people giving 2 children the same name, especially when one died earlier. I suppose they're honoring some relative with the name, but it always looks like a replacement for the first child. I hope you learn lots of good stuff about this family who knew too much sadness.


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