Thursday, August 29, 2024

Reunion! 1916 Ritter Family Reunion, PA; A Happy Day!

Here is another report of the Ritter family Reunions. This was a small group who came together to celebrate their heritage.

This newspaper account of the Ritter family reunion stands out because it mentions all four of the original brothers who Other clipping mention only three brothers. This correctly identifies Paul, Henry, Martin and Casper Ritter.  

About 60 members of the Ritter family clan held a reunion at Sand Spring Park yesterday. Once the largest reunion in this vicinity, the mutual interest of the descendants of Paul, Henry, Martin and Casper Ritter apparently has fallen away from family reunions. A happy day was spent by all in attendance, but no date was set for a reunion next year.


Peter S. Ritter presided at the meeting yesterday and he was reelected president and all the other officers were re-elected as follows: Vise [sic] president, H. Ritter; recording secretary, Miss C. Viola Ritter; corresponding secretary, E. H. Ritter of Egypt; financial secretary, Israel J. Ritter; treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer of Catasauqua.


The committees of last year were as follows:


Executive: Walter Hoffman, Leroy Ritter, John bear, E. J. Hitter and Oliver Frantz.


History: I. J. Ritter, Wilson Ritter, H. W. Stephen and Dr. F. O. Ritter.

The Allentown Leader, Allentown PA

10 August 1916, page 3

The reunion was also reported in "The Morning Call' newspaper.

There is more to the above clipping which you can read on

The Morning Call, Allentown, PA
10 August 1916, page 5

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Reunion! 1912 Ritter Family Reunion, PA; Together Again!

Summertime is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. Here is another account of a gathering of this large family. IF you know any of the people who attended, I would like to hear from you.  

This newspaper article gives details of the Ritters’ gathering and the history of the family. It tells us Ritter means “knight.” It talks about the original settlers. However, today’s research tells us these were the children of the original Ritters who came from Germany. They are the second generation to live in Pennsylvania. My notes [ ] reflect recent research.


Ritters Gather in Reunion at Dorney’s

Members Urged to Revive Monster Reunions



The Ritter family reunion was held at Dorney Park yesterday after a lapse of a year. This was one of the early reunions having been started in 1898. There were quite a number of Ritters there and president, I. J. Ritter urged all to again swell the number from 200 to over 5,000 which was the high water mark. Instrumental music was furnished by George’s orchestra and a male quartet sang. The hymn “God We Bless Thee, That We Meet Again” was sung after which Rev. H. B. Ritter, of Hellertown, offered prayer. 


The president then made the address of welcome and said he was especially pleased to see the young people take an interest in the program and reunion. The male quartet sang “Annie Laurie” and responded to the encore.


Miss Edith Yates a young girl, gave a delightful recital on “House Cleaning Time”. After a selection by the orchestra Rev. H. B. Ritter made an address. He spoke of the origin of the word Ritter, meaning a knight. The name is supposed to have originated when the Knights made their pilgrimages to the holy land. One of their principles was to defend womankind. He pleaded that this principle be maintained now even if it meant woman’s sufferage [sic] and he condemned Mormonism as a blot on this fair country. 


The male quartet then sang several fine selections and Miss Ada Sheirer very ably gave several recitations showing that she is quite an elocutionist.


The election of officers resulted as follows:

President, I. R. Ritter, Allentown;

Vice president, John E. Ritter, Pittston;

Recording secretary, P. S. Ritter, Allentown; [possibly Parson Scott Ritter, 1862 – 1932]

Corresponding secretary, Irwin Ritter, Balliesville;

Financial secretary, Samuel O. Ritter, Allentown;

Treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer, Catasauqua;

Historians: F. O. Ritter, B. F. Mohr, H. W. Stephens, Allentown, Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua; John E. Ritter, Pittston.


Executive committee:

Edwin H. Ritter, Egypt, Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua, Dr. E. E. Ritter, Friedensville, Mahlon Ritter, South Bethlehem; A. P. Yohe, Macungie.


C. H. Siegfried, of Easton, told how the Glewell family which holds its reunion at Shoeneck had complete records of nearly 2000 families and urged system.

The Ritters are descendants of Casper, who settled in North Whitehall, Martin in Salisbury and Philip in Shoenersville.


Casper Ritter landed at Philadelphia in 1750. He went to Easton and was granted a patent for 500 acres of land located on Fels creek at Laury’s. The farms are owned by Reuben Saeger, Prof. D. S. Keck and John and Jeremy Schneck. The log house which housed the family was razed several years ago. Six children grew to maturity:

Jacob, [Johan Jacob Ritter, b 1777]

Mrs. Johanes Frantz, 

John, [Johannes Ritter, 1768 – 1814]

Heinrich, [John Henry Ritter, 1780 – 1854]

Mrs. Nicholas Saeger [Magdalena Ritter, b 1772]

and Mrs. Heinrich Frantz. [Margaretta Ritter, 1774 – 1854]

[These are the children of Casper, 1749 – 1822, son of Heinrich Ritter, 1715 – 1797. He was the nephew of the Casper Ritter who arrived in Philadelphia from Germany.] The lonely graves of the pioneers are a short distance from the early home. Many of the descendants in this section are descendants of Casper.


Martin Ritter came to this country in 1749 and secured a tract of land in Salisbury township, south of Allentown. He was the father of seven children. 

Martin, [1781 – 1863]

Henry, [1779 – 1833]

John, [Johannes Ritter, 1784 – 1867]

Daniel, [1789 – 1873]

Michael, [1794 – after 1884]

Jacob [1792 – 1830]

and Gretchen Mrs. Solomon Kline. 

[This Martin, 1749 – 1827, was the son of Heinrich Ritter, 1781 – 1863. He was the nephew of Martin Ritter, 1718 – 1789, who was one of the original four Ritter brothers from Germany.]


Frances Ritter was the father of the Ritter family in Berks county. The former proprietor of the Reading Eagle; John Ritter was a representative in Congress for two terms.


The committee will meet in April to arrange for next year’s reunion.



The Morning Call, Allentown, PA

15 August 1912, page 5

I am connected to the Ritter Family through my paternal grandmother,
Ivy R. Mark Brown.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Reunion! 1909 Ritter Family, PA; 11th Annual Gathering!

Here is another in a series of Ritter family reunions. In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I hope you have found these reunion reports entertaining & helpful with your research.  

Eight hundred members of the Ritter family, one of the largest and most influential families in this section, gathered at Dorney Park yesterday for the eleventh annual reunion of the family. Among those who attended were a number of whom those in charge of the reunion had no knowledge.


In the afternoon a program was rendered in the park theatre in which members of the family participated. Klingler’s Orchestra furnished the music. Miss Carrie W. Ritter rendered several splendid readings. A violin quartet consisting of Misses Carrie O. Wieda, Marguerite M. Williams, Mary Blumer and Bessie M. Weidner, all students of Prof. J. H. Johnson, rendered a selection. The Eureka Male Quartet, the members of which are Samuel Ritter, Richard Thomas, Earl Reinbold and Edward Harmony, sang “Kentucky Babe.” The address of welcome was delivered by I. J. Ritter. A young ladies’ glee club rendered splendid selections. A number of impromptu addresses were also delivered. The committee desires to thank all those on the program for their services.



The Ritters are descendants of Casper, Martin and Philip Ritter, three brothers who landed in Philadelphia in 1733 and then drifted to these parts. The forefathers of these brothers were members of a society organized in Europe to fight religious oppression. The officers desire to secure more exact data concerning all the different branches of the family and for this reason blanks will be sent to the heads of the families, to be filled out and returned to the secretary. Any families which may be missed, are requested to apply for blanks.


The first printing press ever constructed in this part of the country was built in Exeter, Berks county, by Francis Ritter, who later owned a half interest in the “Adler,” used this press to print his paper with. 


Following the meeting yesterday afternoon, the entire party took possession of the tables under the trees, where supper was served, most of the women bringing well-filled baskets.


The new officers elected and the various committees appointed follow:


President, I. J. Ritter, Allentown;

Vice president, J. R. Ritter, Reading;

Corresponding secretary, M. L. Ritter, Northampton;

Recording secretary, I. J. Ritter, Allentown;

Financial secretary, Samuel Ritter, Allentown;

Treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Diefenderer, Catasauqua.

Committee on family history, Dr. F. O. Ritter, B. Frank Mohr, H. W. Stephens, Allentown; Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua; J. R. Ritter, Reading.

Ways and Means: Phaon Ritter, Allentown; E. H. Ritter, Egypt; Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua; Dr. E. E. Ritter, Friedensville; Mahlon Ritter, South Bethlehem.


Executive committee, George B. Ritter, North Bethlehem; Erwin Ritter, Ballietsville; A. P. Yohe, Macungle; S. E. Ritter, Easton; B. F. Achey, Quakertown; William Roth, Siegfried; Milton Ritter, RIchlandtown; Llewellyn Ritter, South Bethlehem; John Fisher, Cressman; Albert Kline, Fleetwood; Samuel Laubach, Springtown; Morris Ritter, Emaus; Stanton Ritter, Egypt; S. D. Ritter, Freemansburg; P. J. Ritter, Phillipsburg; David Schneck, Allentown; Nelson Ritter, Bethlehem; ClintonRitter, Hellertown; Tinghman Smith, Cementon; Amanda Musselman, Coplay; LeRoy Rutter, Lehighton.


The Morning Call, Allentown, PA

12 August 1909, page 5

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Reunion! 1906 Ritter Family, PA; 2,000 Gathered!

Summertime is a wonderful time for families to come together. Picnics and Bar-b-ques are fun. It is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I will post newspaper articles about several of those events here. I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the past. Maybe you will even find a name you know.  


The Allentown Leader, Allentown PA
9 August 1906, page 1

This year's reunion was published in two different newspapers. The partial clipping (above) tells of an "enormous crowd." The transcription (below) calls Ritters an "energetic and honest people."


The eighth annual Ritter reunion was held at Dorney Park yesterday. The attendance considering the weather, was good. At least two thousand of the Ritter clan were present. The present generation of Ritters is the sixth, while the seventh is rapidly gaining strength. 


The first generation were three brothers, Casper, who settled near Laury’s; Martin settled in Salisbury and Philip who chose Schoenersville as his home. From these three pioneers the present Ritter family sprung.


There are Ritters everywhere in the United States and their name is familiar in every country. The Ritters hold an honest title. Their credit is good and they are an energetic and honest people. Their reunion which is held annually is probably the largest held in these parts. The program as published in the “Morning Call” was ably rendered and listened to by a large crowd. The following officers were elected: President, W. E. Hoffman, Copley Route No. 1; vice president, S. D. Ritter, Freemansburg; recording secretary, I. J. Ritter; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Diefenderfer. 


The Morning Call, Allentown PA

9 August 1906, page 1

I am related to the Ritter family through my paternal grandmother,
Ivr R. Mark Brown.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Reunion! 1902 Ritter Family Reunion, PA; 1,000 Attended!

Summertime is a wonderful time for families to come together. Picnics and Bar-b-ques are fun. It is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I will post newspaper articles about several of those events here. I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the past. Maybe you will even find a name you know.  

This gathering of the Ritter family boasted 1,000 in attendance. However, in 1906 that number was doubled!

Big Gathering of the Ritters

The Family Reunion Held Yesterday at Dorney Park

Interesting Exercises Held

Nearly a Thousand Representatives of the Family Were Present

Music, Addresses and Amusements Were on the Program


Dorney Park, the scene of many family reunions this season, has had none equal in attendance that of the Ritter clan, which gathered there yesterday. Fully 1000 representatives of the family enjoyed a pleasant day’s outing in the pretty grove and listened to the rendition of a well selected program. The members of the different families occupied separate tables during the dinner hour and all the available space at the dining section of the grove was occupied. 


The meeting was held at 2 o’clock on the dancing pavilion. Rev. R. J. Rohrbaugh, of this city, offered prayer. Miss Woodring, of Egypt, rendered a beautiful selection on the piano, which was followed by Miss Stella Ritter, of Ballietsville. An address of congratulations was made by Rev. Dr. A. R. Horne, of this city, and Miss Ida Ritter, of this city, recited. A carefully prepared history of the family in which many of the newly-discovered and interesting facts in connection with the lives of the progenitors of the family were made known, was read by I. J. Ritter, of Allentown. Rev. I. B. Ritter, of Emaus, made a short address, after which the election of officers was held. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: 

President, Rev. I. B. Ritter, Emaus;

Vice president, Mahon Ritter, Bethlehem;

Secretary, H. S. Ritter, Egypt;

Assistant secretary, C. F. Ritter, Allentown;

Treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer, Catasauqua.

Next year’s meeting will be held on the Allentown fair grounds on the second Wednesday of August.


The president, after briefly expressing his appreciation of the honor conferred on him in choosing him for the executive position, appointed the following committee of arrangements for the next gathering: Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer, Catasauqua; W. D. Ritter, Slatington; B. F. Ritter, Ballietsville; E. H. Ritter, Egypt; Allen Ritter, Salisbury; Mrs. Emma Appenzeller, Philadelphia; Priscilla Bleam, and Stella Achey, Quakertown; E. E. Ritter, Friedensville; Charles F. Ritter, Freemansburg; S. E. Ritter, Easton; C. F. Ritter, Israel Ritter, N. J. Ritter, Allentown; J. W. Ritter, Reading; Howard Ritter, Neff’s’ LeRoy Ritter, Lehighton; Rev. J. H. Ritter, Bath; Rev. D. F. Ritter, Scranton; Owen Ritter, Bethlehem; Ge. P. Ritter, Bethlehem; Albert Kline, Fleetwood; John Ritter Shoenersville; Thomas Ritter, Bethlehem; Viola Ritter, Egypt. Committee on family history: Dr. F. O. Ritter, Allentown; Rev. J. H. Ritter, Bath; Rev. E. F. Ritter, Scranton. Committee on program: Miss Priscilla Bleam, Quakertown; I. J. Ritter, Allentown and E. H. Ritter, Egypt.


The success of the gathering exceeded all expectations. During the year branches of the family were located in Western Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Philadelphia and other places and invitations will be extended to all these participants in next year’s reunion.


The family represents the descendants of Casper, Martin and Philip Ritter, who landed in America about 1638 at Philadelphia. Their families branched out from that place until now they are scattered all over the United States. Casper’s family was principally represented at the reunion for the reason that more attention was paid to the history of that branch and efforts made to locate all the descendants. Representatives of the families of Martin and Casper are making genealogical tables of the families which they hope to have completed by the next reunion.


Hundreds of badges were distributed yesterday. They consisted of a button with the inscription “Ritter Reunion, Organized 1898.” In the centre [sic] is a tree with three branches representing the Ritter families.


The committee in charge of the reunion consisted of Howard Ritter,, Neff’s; Nathan and John Ritter, Allentown; Stella Achey, Quakertown; Viola Ritter, Egypt; B. F. Ritter, Baillietsville; W. D. Ritter, Slatington; Owen Ritter, South Bethlehem; E. E. Ritter, Friedensville.




The Morning Call, Allentown PA

14 August 1902, page 1

This reunion was also reported in:

Reading Times, Reading PA

15 August 1902, page 2


 I am connected to the Ritter family through my paternal grandmother,

Ivy R. Mark Brown.

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