Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Genealogy Goals

Listing my goals helps me to focus on the branches of the family that need attention. I have a tendency to wander off the path, through the trees and get tangled in the thickets. Goals are also good at the end of the year to evaluate what I have accomplished. I know, at a glance, if I can pat myself on my back. Below are my newest aspirations.

Carry overs from my 2012 list

1.    Straighten up my genealogical library [once our daughter’s bedroom & now a guest room] so work can be done easily & efficiently without having to sort through piles of papers, journals, maps and photographs that need to be filed, scanned or recycled.

2.    Broaden my knowledge of my mother’s father’s family: the Gardner family in Austria. This means learning how to search for Jewish records.

3.    Review & Organize the materials I have collected about my mother’s family: Brady, Coyle, Cunningham,  English & Mullane. Take a last look for holes that need to be filled & fill them.

4.    Decide on the format for the book on my mother’s family. My outline needs finalizing. I need to look it over to be sure it flows in a logical and interesting manner.

5.    Write my findings.  I plan to publish a book on my mother’s family. I have put this off for too long. This is a firm goal for this year.

6.    All along the way I will use my blog and my website to share my findings and my questions with my family.

New goals for 2013

1.    Are you kidding? I hope to just finish last year’s goals!


  1. What a realistic and honest approach. You are sure to hsve a successful 2013.

  2. I love the last sentiment...mine were also pretty much last year's goals. Good luck in 2013, I hope you can get them finished and set some new goals for 2014!

    By the way, if you want a second pair of eyes on your book outline, I'd be happy to help.

    Best wishes for prosperous 2013!

  3. Julie, I tend to set more goals than I can accomplish in a year or during a trip. Then I am never at a loss for what I should do next. ha!

  4. Colleen,
    Your goals are so much like mine. At least once or twice a year I stop to reorganize and to make lists. My ultimate goal is that I generate interest with the younger generation to one day take over what I started. Happy 2013.

    1. Mary, yes. I do want my work and archives passed on to the next generation. Making our family come 'alive' again makes it all more interesting than a simple listing of dates & places. Hopefully that will motivate others in our families to share our love of genealogy. Thanks for stopping by!


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