Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 Over the years, our Thanksgiving celebrations have changed. Our family has grown and spread across the country. My brothers celebrate with their children & grandchildren. Our children live in various states. This year, in Illinois, we will walk the Turkey Trot and help our daughter prepare a delicious meal. We will gather around the table with our daughter and friends to count our blessings and share some laughs.  I will enjoy the day and remember Thanksgivings from days gone by. 

Thanksgiving is spatulas & spices & the family china;

Tables pushed together, folding chairs & mismatched glassware.
Thanksgiving is answering the ringing doorbell; 
Children chasing and hiding;
Hugs & surprises; Jokes & smiles.

Thanksgiving is aprons & appetizers & the family recipes;
Multicolored paper turkeys, crayoned pilgrims & pinecone centerpieces.
Thanksgiving is squeezing around the table;
Passing the mashed potatoes;
Candles & napkins; Gravy & cranberries.

Thanksgiving is cameras & cousins & the family traditions;
Posing in front of the fireplace, smiling on cue & laughter all around.
Thanksgiving is playing favorite board games;
Telling tall tales of holidays past;
Uncles & babies; Memories & plans.

Thanksgiving is Family.

Colleen G. (Brown) Pasquale

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Charlie & Melba

  2. That's lovely! In years past, we have attended large Thanksgivings. In each, there are wonderful memories. Thanks for bringing some of them back with your poem.

    1. Thanks for stopping by & your kind words. Enjoy your holiday!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, Thanksgiving definitely changes throughout the years; our family's looks quite different as well. Did you write that poem? :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I did write the poem.

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem!


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