When searching for our ancestors the United States census reports are often used but state census reports are also helpful. If your family lived in New York State William Dollarhide’s book will help you understand the censuses there. His book includes samples of and blank forms for each census report. County maps are included and county by county census details.
Dollarhide, William. New York State Censuses & Substitutes.
North Salt Lake, Utah: Heritage Creations, 2005.
New York State was among the first states to take a census. The first census was taken in 1825. Reports were also taken in 1835, 1845, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, 1905, 1915 and 1925. In general, they were taken between the federal census years and supply most of the same information. I am fortunate to live near the New York States Archives in Albany, New York and can search there. Family Search.org has the 1865, 1875, 1892 and 1905 records on line. I recently used Family Search to take another look for my Coyle and Gartner/Gardner families from New York City. I was unable to find the Michael Coyle family but I did locate the Gardners. My maternal great grandfather, Leopold Gartner (Shown as Lewis Gardner in the report), and his son, Nathaniel Gardner, my maternal grandfather were in the report.
Leopold Gartner |
1905 New York State Census, Manhattan, AD 30, ED 13, Page 7, microfilm #1433111 taken on 1 June 1905. Gardner family living at 340 East 87th Street:
Gardner, Lewis, head, WM 43, b. Austria, in USA for 29 years, citizen, Tailor
Gardner, Fannie, Wife, WF 41, b. Austria, Housewife
Gardner, Florence, daughter, WF 20, b. USA, Clerk
Gardner, Nathan, son, WM 19, b. USA, Telegrapher
Gardner, Moses, son, WM 17, b. USA, Telegrapher
Gardner, Albert, son, WM 15, b. USA, at school (8)
Gardner, Anna, daughter, WF 13, b. USA, at school (8)