Saturday, June 1, 2024

Graduation 1951 Hudson, NY

Graduation Time

May & June is time for graduations. It seems like a good time to share these mementoes of my aunt's graduation. She was the third of her siblings to graduate from the high school. I wonder how my grandparents celebrated her graduation. After high school she attended the New York State University at Utica where she studied to be a teacher. 

Genevieve Audry Brown Wieland Schaperjahn

3 Oct 1932 OH - 18 Jan 2015 NY

Daughter of Roy Jessie & Ivy Regina Mark Brown

Class of  1951
Hudson High School
Hudson, Columbia County, New York

Genevieve is in the lower right of the class photo, taken with the high school in the background. 
This is her yearbook photograph. 


  1. Tried finding her in this picture, but not picking her out. Thought she might be in the first row.

  2. Very fun to see our family members 'back in the day'

  3. Fun post. Next, you'll have to dig to answer your question, " I wonder how my grandparents celebrated her graduation', the have a follow post about it. ;)


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