Friday, October 25, 2019

Vintage Photograph: Everett Earl Brown

Vintage photographs are like little windows looking back in time.

A Window into the Past

Everett Earl Brown 

20 November 1919 LA - 15 September 2001 WV
Son of Junius Earl Brown & Armetha Blades
Husband of Maxine Bissell
Married 8 July 1945

My 1st cousin 1x removed

This photograph was given to me by Edith Rose Ball Hutchinson during a trip to Mississippi several years ago.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Vintage Photographs: Mildred O. Brown Ball

Mildred Olga Brown Ball

23 June 1904 MS - 27 May 1983 LA
Sister of my grandfather, Roy Jesse Brown
Wife of James Alton Ball
Married 24 December 1921 LA
Mother of 10 children.

My Great Aunt

I don't know the occasion for the top photograph but I do love her large corsage. 
The photograph below was given to me by Edith Rose Ball Hutchinson during a trip to Mississippi several years ago.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tranquil Tombstone: Aaron Creasy/Gruissy OH

Aaron Creasy
Photo courtesy of Carole Morrison Moser

Aaron Creasy/Gruissy
August 1866 OH - 18 July 1944
Son of Christian Gruissy & Mary Wise


Etta S. Wetzel Gruissy
1871 - 1953

Although Aaron was born 'Gruissy' at some point he changed his surname to 'Creasy'. His brothers, Philip & Reuben did the same. His older, half-brother, Augustus, stayed with Gruissy. The name change makes them a bit more difficult to track.

 His tombstone clearly shows his name as Aaron Creasy.

South Lawn Cemetery
Beach City, Ohio

Monday, October 7, 2019

Genealogy Humor

Time for a laugh. Pat Brady found this on & sent it to me.

The Courier-News (Bridgewater, New Jersey) · 15 Jan 1945, Mon · Page 2

Friday, October 4, 2019

Thomas B. Fortenberry & Farm Crops, 1884 TX

Thomas Benton Fortenberry

19 February 1852 MS - 22 Nov 1923
Son of Alfred Fortenberry & Aderine Mary Faulk
Husband of Gabriella Sanders

My 1st cousin, 4x removed

A short but interesting newspaper clipping.

Alvord Messenger (Alvord, Texas) · 9 May 1884, Fri · Page 3