Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Letters from the Past – Oct. 1902 Gruissy – Mark Letter

This letter was written by my great grandmother to my great grandfather before they were married.  They married 28 Jan 1903 Medina, OH.


This letter was written by my great grandmother

Nancy Regina Victoria (Gruissy) Mark 

31 Jan 1879 Medina, OH - 24 May 1959 Medina, OH

Youngest daughter of Augustus Ceaser Gruissy & Esther Barbara Wolf


This letter was written to

Thomas Kenneth Mark

19 Jul 1879 Wooster, OH - 12 Feb 1975 Medina, OH

Son of William Mark & Mary Isabella Heffelfinger

To: Mr. Thomas Mark, RFD No 5, Medina, Medina Co., Ohio

From: Regina O.

Postmarked: 4 PM Oct 20, 1902 Medina, Ohio


Mr. T. K. Mark 

            Medina O.


Dearest Tom it is with great pleasure I embrace the present opportunity of writing to you. I am well and hope you are well and happy. I wonder what you are doing today. I was ironing awhile today and went up town to get some buttons of rmy new jacket and I saw boss [?] he said every body was well and O. K. in the In for marry [infirmary].


Oh yess [sic] I found out all about that tick – tack and Ill [sic] tell you all about it when I see you which I hope will be not later than next Sunday eve. O how they teased me Monday and tonight Mr. Davis wanted to call me Mrs. Mark and could not remember the name so the joke was on him. 


How did you get home and were you sleepy Monday. [sic] I felt all O. K. yesterday and had a big wash on the line before dinner.


Now Dearest I want you to do just as you like about that farm and it will suit me I think only let me know about it as soon as you can for I am anxious to know what about it.


Give the girls my best specks [respects?] and Adolph to and tell the girls to write tell Honey I love her when she is still and when she isnt [sic] still. Tell Anna I know she left one end of the towel for me Monday.


Well dear as I don’t [sic] know anything more to tell you I guess I will close with love and best wishes I remain as ever


Your own.

            Regina G.

                        Medina O.


Ans soon please.



 This chart shows my grandmother, one of the children of Regina & Thomas.

It gives 2 generations of the ancestors of both of her parents.

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  1. How amazing to have a letter from your great-grandmother to your great-grandfather! I love when ancestors are able to speak in their own voice, even if it is through correspondence, as it gives of them, their life, and in this case their affection or one another.

  2. Wow, what a treasure to have letters written by your great grandparents, let alone before they were married! Love getting a glimpse of the time period! :)


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