Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Letters from the Past – Dec. 1902 Gruissy – Mark Letter

This letter was written by my 2 x great grandmother to her youngest daughter. She wrote about “our boy,” her future son – in – law, Thomas K. Mark. Esther wrote that Regina and Thomas should not get married in February because it is a “Bad month.”

She wrote about having a fat goose for Thanksgiving. 


This letter was written to my great grandmother 

Nancy Regina Victoria (Gruissy) Mark 

31 Jan 1879 Medina, OH - 24 May 1959 Medina, OH

Youngest daughter of Augustus Ceaser Gruissy & Esther Barbara Wolf

Wife of Thomas Kenneth Mark


This letter was written by my 2x great grandmother

Esther Barbara Wolf Gruissy

Daughter of John Franklin Wolf & Elisabeth Burkholder

Second wife of Augustus Ceaser Gruissy


To: Miss Regina V. Gruissy, Medina, Medina, Ohio

From: Esther B. Gruissy, Marshallville, Ohio

Postmarked: 23 Dec. 1902, Marshallville, Ohio, 2 – cent stamp

Letter dated: 22 Dec. 1902


There is no punctuation in the original letter. I have added punctuation to make it easier to read. Spelling and capitols are as written.

A couple leaves and small flowers were pressed into the note.


Dear Dauter [sic] We ware [sic] glad to here [sic] froum [sic] youns that you was well and Our Boy two [sic]. Well we ware [sic] glad to here [sic] from youns. i [sic] am tired for i [sic] washed a Big wush [sic] and papa worked hard to Day [sic] Chopping wood and he ant [sic] well. i [sic] am not well. Well Bejie [?] Monr came to see me and told me you was [sic] well. Will you have the words said Bee fore [sic] you come home? [I believe she is referring to the upcoming wedding.] Will you bring Our Boy[i] alonge [sic] home with you? We will Doo [sic] the Best we can for him and you too. Well Bige [?] man little shene [?] has a nice fat horse for sale. She is safe and sound. The white and other that ant [sic] Borak [sic] yet. Papa[ii] nose [sic] whare [sic] tha [sic] are check young – ons [sic] too.


Well tell Albert and mary[iii] [sic] papa and me wishes them a happy new nen [?] Christmas and we wish Both a mery [sic] Christmas and a happy new year. 


Papa said you should not have the words said in February for that is a Bad month. January is good. i [sic] will send a Boket [?] for you and Thomas too.


Well plese [sic] and tell Thomas i [sic] have som [sic] sour crout [sic] and som [sic] caned [sic] fruit for him. you ot [sic] to see the presents you have here from papa. i will giv you one can of sour cherries for you. that is all for now. i [sic] will finish my scrathen [sic] too Day [sic] 23. Well papa got a fall and hirt [sic] himself so he can hardly work. Papa said youns [sic] should get words said and come home soon pleas [sic] and Don’t get them said in February for it is on lucky month. E. B. Gruissy


Mr nolt has a horse for sale. Cming [sic]  years this spring is Broak [sic] to work for 50 Doolars [sic] and will work eny [sic] plase [sic]. Big man wants 75 for his horse and stinson [?] 40 Dooars [sic] fors his horse and is Broak [sic] ro work Dooble [sic] and single or any plase you can put him.


We had a goose for hanks giving [Thanksgiving] fat on [one] too. it was good. nothing for Christmas yet

[i] Thomas Kenneth Mark, Regina’s future husband.

[ii] Augustus Ceaser Gruissy. He was 62 when this was written.

[iii] Albert Lutz and Mary Magdalene Gruissy Lutz. Mary was Esther’s step – daughter.

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