Saturday, September 30, 2023

Wedding: Fortenberry & Ellzey, 2 Sept. 1932 MS

 This brief announcement tells us about a new marriage in the family that includes both our Fortenberry & Brumfield families. It also includes the Ellzey family, which often married into our direct family lines. Besides giving me their wedding date, it teaches me that Alton was a teacher, like me. 



Alton Earl Fortenberry

22 April 1907 MS – 18 September 1981 MS

Son of William Thomas Fortenberry & Clarenda Angeline McElveen




Beatrice E. Ellzey

10 May 1913 MS – 10 May 1992 MS

Daughter of Roger T. Ellzey & Lottie Lee Brumfield


Wedding Day

 2 September 1932 MS



Clarion - Ledger

Jackson, MS, 3 Sept 1932, page 3

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Wolf Family Reunion, 1914 OH

Sometimes when I search I put in a surname + reunion + a location where the family was centered. This has produced some interesting results. In this case I looked for the Wolf family in Pennsylvania and Ohio. I found several reports of Wolf family reunions but in looking through the people who attended, it was difficult to find those who I could be sure I was related to. This reunion report clearly says those gathering were the descendants of three brothers, Samuel, Jacob and Joseph Wolf. Hurray! They are the sons of Frederick Wolf, my 4th great uncle.

I wish some of the attendees were named. (I always want to know more!)



Samuel Wolf

4 Nov 1827 PA - 24 Aug 1894 PA

Husband of Susanne Metzger


Joseph Wolf

19 Jan 1831 PA - 23 Jul 1902 PA

Husband of Almeida Flickinger


Jacob Wolf

B 1846 PA


Three sons of Frederick Wolf & Louisa Goetz 

The Wolf Reunion


The fourteenth annual reunion of the descendents [sic] of Samuel, Jacob and Joseph Wolf was held on the College Campus in Wilmington, Saturday, August, 22, 1914. The pleasant day brought out a large number of relatives from Springfield, Blanchester, Clarksville, Waynesville, Edenton, Windsor, Kingman and Wilmington, Marion, Ind. And Port Jervis, N. Y. There seemed to be but one cloud on the hearts of those present, the remembrance of the dear ones who passes away since last we met.


The forenoon was spent in visiting and renewing acquaintances, after which all did justice to the bountiful dinner at which fried chicken was plentiful and was soon devoured by the hungry Wolfs and Fox. The afternoon was spent in music, reading, recitations, toasts and games. The janitor kindly showed us through the College and Bailey Hall.


The children enjoyed part of the day in the gymnasium. Most of us remained to enjoy a late supper after which we adjourned to meet at Fort Ancient the fourth Saturday of Aug. 1915. 

The Clinton County Democrat

Wilmington, OH, 3 Sep 1914, page 1


Monday, September 25, 2023

A. S. Smith, Dentist

 A. S. Smith placed many of these notices in the newspaper to advertise his dentistry practice. I selected two to share. We can see some changes in his advertisement, including "artificial teeth a speciality" in 1899. 

The Magnolia Gazette
Magnolia, MS, 28 April 1882, page 2

Adolphus Scott Smith
22 Jun 1848 - 18 Oct 1921
Son of Wyatt Smith & Euseba Fortenberry
Husband of Julia Jane Simmons
My 3x great uncle

The Magnolia Gazette
Magnolia, MS, 11 Feb. 1899, page 4

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Vintage Photograph: Coyle Sisters

 This is a wonderful vintage photograph. I love the studio background, the pretty dresses and, most of all my Nana and two of her sisters. For many years this photograph lived in a large wooden chest. The chest sat on the landing at the top of the steep stairs at my Nana's house. From there the chest of assorted treasures moved to my mother's house. I have the chest in my bedroom now with quilts carefully folded on top. I have moved the photograph into an archival safe box. Putting this in my blog will help the digital version live on. 

Left to right:

9 Jan 1897 NY - 13 Oct 1965 NY
My maternal grandmother, my Nana

24 Dec 1901 NY - 13 Mar 1980 AZ

Marion J. Coyle McCall Kunnemund
19 Mar 1900 NY - 9 Jan 1991 AZ

I own the original photograph.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Forget Me Not: Yarborough S. Alford, 1971 MS

Yarborough was a "lifelong resident of Pike County." I wonder what percentage  of our population, today, stay in one area for their lifetimes. My husband and I have remained in New York State but we live in a different counties than where we grew up. However, two of my brothers live in the same town as we did as children.

Yarborough S. Alford 


19 October 1891 MS – 29 March 1971 MS

Son of Jeptha Josephus Alford & Olevia Luminda Fortenberry


Pike Native’s Rites Set


Tylertown – Funeral services for Yarborough Alford, 80, will be held at 2 p. m. Wednesday in Progress Baptist Church.


Mr. Alford, a native and lifelong resident of Pike County, died Monday morning in Walthall County General Hospital.


Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ina Simmons Alford; two sons, Melvin Alford, Maryland, J. D. Alford, Progress; one brother, Claude Alford, Progress; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Bruns, California, Mrs. Errol Smith, Columbia, Mrs. Lillie Ellzey, Tylertown and one grandchild. 


Rev. Jerry Wise will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Hartman Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. 




Enterprise Journal

McComb, MS, 30 Mar 1971, page 4









Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Forget Me Not: Frederick Wolf, 1891 PA

These two newspaper notices tell us of the illness and death of Frederick Wolf, the "oldest citizen of Abbottsville." He was 87 years old.

Note: the first notice was published 30 Oct. I believe he had died before that was published. I need to double check my source.

Mr. Frederick Wolf, the oldest citizen of Abbottsville, is critically ill.

New Oxford Item
New Oxford, PA, 30 Oct 1891, page 5

 Frederick Wolf

 Born 9 September 1804, Berwick, Adams County, PA

Died 29 October 1891, Abbottsville, Adams County, PA

Son of John Frederick Wolf & Esther Barbara Shaffer

Husband of Louisa C. Goetz

My 4x great uncle

Adams - in Abbottstown, Frederick Wolf, ex - director of the poor, aged 87.

The Sentinel

Carlisle, PA, 6 Nov 1891, page 3

Friday, September 8, 2023

Vintage Photographs: Seth Benner Morrison

When I have a vintage photograph I feel I have many people to thank, beginning with the person who took out the camera and loaded it with film. It is wonderful that the photographer decided to preserve the image of their family member. Did they have any idea of how long the image would be passed along into the future? 

Vintage photographs are like little windows looking back in time.

A Window into the Past

24 Mar 1861 PA - 18 Apr 1952 OH
Son of William Hiram Morrison & Emily Benner
Husband of Margaret Jane Gruissy

Holding granddaughter, Helen Alice Morrison Kauffman

Father of 8:

Mona D. Morrison Hurd, 1881 OH - 1968 MI;
Lena Bella Morrison Swagger, 1883 OH - 1962 OH;
Emily Augusta Morrison Peters, 1888 OH - 1950;
Albert Rowlen Morrison, 1894 OH - 1977 OH;
Florence Vera Morrison Rowlee, 1896 OH - 1966 CA;
Paul Allen Morrison, 1899 OH - 1960 OH;
Pauline Ann Morrison Maurer, 1899 OH - 1979 OH;
Peter Clifford Morrison, 1902 - 1968

Photos given to me by Carole Morrison

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Saturday, September 2, 2023

Blog Anniversary, 2010 - 2023


Happy Blog Anniversary to me!

I'd like to share a big piece of cake with all of you to celebrate Leaves & Branches.

Thanks for stopping by on my blog anniversary, begun in 2010, because of my desire to connect with others who may share a family connection. 

Thanks to my daughter, Alyssa, who taught me about blogs and who set up this page for me. It has undergone changes over time but the idea of learning and sharing remains its focus.

Thanks to all the bloggers who have taught me research tips and methods for sharing my discoveries.

Please help me to blow out all those candles with wishes for more new discoveries to share in new blog posts.

Read About Me to learn who I am.

A Few Family Wedding Anniversaries: