Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Decade; New Family Calendar!

Happy New Year!

Each year, for several years now, I make a calendar for my family. It is my Christmas gift to my brothers, my cousins, my children,... It has become a tradition in itself. People look forward to it. This year my older brother unwrapped his calendar, held it over his head & said, "Now it is Christmas!" 

Things I include in the Family Calendar:
  • Birthdays & anniversaries of family members & our ancestors.
  • Brief genealogy info on direct line ancestors
  • Wedding, Showers, Anniversary photos
  • New Baby Photos
  • Graduation photos
  • Travel photos
  • Lots & lots of photos

back cover

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Friday, December 27, 2019

December Birthday: 280 Years Ago, Johann Jonas Wolf

Johann Jonas Wolf

Born 280 Years Ago

My 5th Great Grandfather

Born 27 December 1739, Pennsylvania
Son of Johan Jacob Wolf & Anna Barbara Orth
Died 21 September 1787 PA, Lived 47 years

Husband of Appollonia Dick, married 1761

Lived in Beriwck Township, York, PA

Revolutionary War Soldier, York Co Militia PA 

Father of 10 children:

Jacob Wolf
Appollonia Wolf
John Wolf
Catherine Wolf Becker
Adam Wolf
Johan Jonas Wolf
Christianna Wolf
John Frederick Wolf
Maria Elizabeth Wolf
Andrew Wolf

Even though I have been researching our family's history for quite some time now, it still amazes me that I can learn about someone like Johann Jonas Wolf. He was born 280 years ago and yet, I have learned about this man who is in my direct line, when and where he lived, his military service and his children. At times when I wish I could learn more I sometimes have to sit back and be happy for the things I have learned already.

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Monday, December 16, 2019

December Anniversary: Jeremiah Smith & Joanna Dillon

 Jeremiah Smith & Joanna Dillon 
16 December 1798
South Carolina

Jeremiah George Smith
23 December 1773 SC – 1843 MS
Son of Jeremiah Smith, Sr. & Jemimah Hollis
War of 1812 Soldier

Joanna Dillon
22 August 1778 NC – after April 1821
Daughter of Richard Dillon & Anne Lawrence

My 4th Great Grandparents

Parents of 13 children:

Hollander Smith Morris
Martha P. Smith Alford
Eli Smith
Jane Smith Warner
Edwin Smith
Wyatt Smith
Eliza Smith Bullock
Calvin Smith
Lidda Smith Harvey
Mehala Smith
Milevey Smith Harvey
Joanna Smith Bullock
Jeremiah Smith

Other December Anniversaries:

Saturday, December 14, 2019

December Birthday: Thomas A. Coyle

Thomas A. Coyle

Born 16 December 1903 NY City
Son of Michael Coyle & Mary Josephine Mullane

My Maternal Grandmother's Brother

Recently, my cousin, Pat Brady, found this fold3 record for my great uncle. I had not known his exact birthdate. And I had not known he had ended up on the west coast. In fact, I would have doubled this was my great uncle except that, on this Registration Card, he gave the name of his sister, Marion (Coyle) McCall.

Thomas A. Coyle
First Holy Communion Photo

Michael & Mary Josephine (Mullane) Coyle, who had both been born in Ireland, had seven children, all born in New York City: two sons and five daughters. Michael was a Baker. One son died as a toddler. My maternal grandmother was the oldest child and helped to care  for her siblings. She also helped in her father's bakery. As the story was told to me, the family had hard financial times, circa 1920 or 1925. It strained the family & the marriage. Michael left his family. I have still to discover what happened to him. The older daughters had jobs and supported the family.

In 1927 Mary Jo died. My grandmother, the oldest child, was already married & about to become a mother herself. The other sisters lived together with the older sisters taking care of the younger sisters who were 16 & 11 years old. Thomas lived on his own. Photos show him in a naval or Coast Guard or Merchant Marine uniform. In 1930 he wrote a poem for his youngest sister's birthday. She gave me the poem & said she did not know what had happened to him. Was that true? My older brother had been told that Thomas may have fallen in with a bad group of young men. 

This Registration Card [above] may lead us to some answers. I wonder if Thomas Coyle  married. As far as I know my mother was the only grandchild of Michael & Mary Jo Coyle. Maybe Thomas had children. 

Find A Grave has a Thomas Coyle in Holy Cross Cemetery, Spokane, Washington. This Thomas has the same 16 Dec 1903 birth date & 27 April 1970 death date. There is no grave marker to give additional information. Is this the final resting place of my great uncle? What story would he tell if I could talk to him?

Thomas Coyle 

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Monday, December 9, 2019

Oh Family Tree!

This is from 2016 but still appropriate.

Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree!
Thy leaves are so elusive
Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
Thy names are always changing
Not only in census reports,
But also in obituaries.
Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
Thy names are always changing!

Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
Such puzzles do you bring me!
Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
You confuse and bewilder me!
For every year this Family tree,
Brings to us such mystery.
Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
Such puzzles do you bring me!

Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
You'll be ever changing!
A story of our ancestors
You'll be ever changing
Each date and place
Each misspelled name
No one alive spreads tales so well
Oh Family tree, Oh Family tree,
You'll be ever changing.

Colleen G Brown Pasquale 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving is Family

Thanksgiving is spatulas & spices & the family china;
Tables pushed together, folding chairs & mismatched glassware.
Thanksgiving is answering the ringing doorbell; 
Children chasing and hiding;
Hugs & surprises; Jokes & smiles.

Thanksgiving is aprons & appetizers & the family recipes;
Multicolored paper turkeys, crayoned pilgrims & pinecone centerpieces.
Thanksgiving is squeezing around the table;
Passing the mashed potatoes;
Candles & napkins; Gravy & cranberries.

Thanksgiving is cameras & cousins & the family traditions;
Posing in front of the fireplace, smiling on cue & laughter all around.
Thanksgiving is playing favorite board games;
Telling tall tales of holidays past;
Uncles & babies; Memories & plans.

Thanksgiving is family.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Forget Me Not: Mary Alford, 1902

Mary Luzina (Stafford) Alford

September 1850 – 9 July 1902 
Daughter of Abraham Stafford
Wife of Needham Edwin Alford

Needham was my 1st cousin, 3x removed

Mrs. M. L. Alford, Magnolia

Magnolia, Miss., July 10. – Mrs. M. L. Alford died yesterday at the home of her husband, Rev. N. E. Alford. She was fifty-two years and ten months old. She was the mother of Revs. J. M. Alford of Leesville, La., and L. F. Alford of New Orleans. Her remains were interred in the family cemetery to-day. The funeral was conducted by Revs. B. F. Lewis of Magnolia and  L.E. Alford of Holmesville.

Source: Mrs. M. L. Alford, Magnolia. (New Orleans, LA: The Times – Democrat, 11 July 1902) 5; digital image, Newspapers.com: accessed July 2019. 

This clipping appears on Find A Grave. It tell us Mary died of typhoid fever. Unfortunately, the newspaper's name is not mentioned.

From Find A Grave Memorial #36541644.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Book Report: Pike County Mississippi, 1798 – 1876

Pike County Mississippi, 1798 – 1876: 
Pioneer Families and Confederate Soldiers

By Luke Ward Conerly
Nashville, TN: Brandon Printing Company, 1909
Reprint:  Madison, GA: Southern Lion Books, 2008

If your family made its home in Pike County, MS this book should be in your hands. Mr. Conerly gives a history of the county beginning with the Native Americans who lived there first. After a brief history of the State of Mississippi he writes in more detail about the formation of the county and the earliest settlers. 

Included are lists of Pike County civil officers and lists of representatives to the State Senate and House of Representatives. Chapter VI details the county’s role in the Civil War and includes the names of many men who served and those who were killed or wounded in battle. 

The book includes some colorful descriptions of the county, such as this piece portraying the Bogue Chitto, a river whose name was derived from the Choctaw language and means “big creek”.

This stream takes its rise from a multitude of springs and branches that come out north and west of Brookhaven, in Lincoln County, Bogue Chitto and Johnson stations, and flows in a southeasterly direction through Pike County and Washington Parish and empties into Pearl River in St. Tammany Parish, La. It is one of the most lovable and picturesque streams to be found anywhere in the South. Its waters, coming from pure limpid springs that supply its numerous tributaries, flow softly and sweetly over gravel beds from the northern boundary of the county till it passes its way in its meanderings into Louisiana, mirroring in its bright waters the grand scenery bordering either side of it for over a hundred miles. At intervals, and alternately, it is overlooked by high ridges covered with majestic pine, oak, beech, magnolia, and a multitude of other valuable growth, that moan eternally as they fanned by the ocean’s breezes. Its waters, like all other inland streams, were full of fish, and its forests inhabited by wild game in great abundance, and the trapper and the hunter had all he employment desired.

The book includes several illustrations of places and people associated with the county. A map of the county is not included.

For our family, we have several branches who were early settlers in the county: Alford, Brown, Brumfield, Dillon, Fortenberry, Smith & Ott. We also have extended family, who often married our direct lines: Ellzey, Magee, Simmons and more. This book has taught me many things about our various family members who struggled in the wilderness and became a part of the history of the county. 

We have many family members still living in the county. They are, most likely, familiar with the history of their county but, for the rest of us, this book is a wonderful learning tool.

This book is also available online. The online version has the advantage that it is searchable. The hardcover book that I own has no surname index. I have at times, used both, used the online search feature & then gone to the pages in my book to read the text.


At the top of this blog, click on My Library for many more books that I have found useful for genealogical & historical research.

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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Forget Me Not: Sarah M. Prescott Brumfield, 1892 MS

Sarah M. Prescott Brumfield

10 December 1849 MS – 24 February 1892 MS
Daughter of Ephraim & Talitha Prescott
Wife of James Monroe Brumfield 

Photo from Find A Grave Memorial #83393284

This is to certify that Sister Sarah M. Brumfield was a member of Newhope (sic) Baptist church in good standing and in full fellowship with said church at her death. And as it has pleased God in his divine providence to take her away from us, we must submit, as we know that God’s will must be done. But we feel the loss of Sister Brumfield, as she was a faithful member and we believe a Christian, as she was always willing to give a helping hand to anything pertaining to the welfare of her church, or the building up of Christ’s kingdom. Sister Brumfield was born in Pike county, Mississippi, December 10, 1849, and died February  24th, 1892, age 42 years, 2 months and 14 days. Sister Brumfield was the daughter of Ephraim and Talitha Prescott, of Pike county, Miss. After Sister Brumfield became grown she commenced thinking under the preaching of the Gospel about her future destiny, and after due consideration she became convinced that she was a sinner in the sight of God, and at length she joined Silver Creek Baptist church in August, 1867, and was baptized and received into the fellowship of said church by Elder B. H. Crawford, who was pastor of the church at that time. After several years Mr. J. M. Brumfield, Sister Sarah’s husband, moved to Amite county, Miss., on the east side of the Amite river, where he now resides, and Sister Brumfield being some distance from her church moved her letter to Newhope (sic) Baptist church in Amit4e county, near her residence, on the 5thday of June, 1886, where she remained a faithful member and a Christian until her death.

We the members of Newhope (sic) church feel the loss of our departed sister and we further extend our sympathy in behalf of our worthy friend J. M. Brumfield and his dear children, as he has been bereaved of a kind and affectionate companion, and his children of a kind and lovely mother. Sister Brumfield was loved by her neighbors and all who knew her, was kind to the sick, and we believe is now resting with Jesus in that promised land, and hoping the help of our Heavenly Father that our bereaved friend J. M. Brumfield and children may become prepared to meet her there when they come to die are our prayers, amen.

Sister Brumfield left a husband, ten children, a mother and sisters, a brother and relatives to mourn her loss. May the Lord bless them and save them for Christ sake. Sister Brumfield’s funeral services were conducted at her home by Elder J. H. Lane, and she was buried at the family grave-yard on Mr. J. M. Brumfield’s place.

Committee appointed by the church: Elder W K Anderson, Peter A. Green, T. P. Honea

From Newspapers.com
The Southern Herald (Liberty, Mississippi) · 23 Sep 1892, Fri · Page 3 
Downloaded on Jun 20, 2019 

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