Thursday, August 15, 2024

Reunion! 1909 Ritter Family, PA; 11th Annual Gathering!

Here is another in a series of Ritter family reunions. In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I hope you have found these reunion reports entertaining & helpful with your research.  

Eight hundred members of the Ritter family, one of the largest and most influential families in this section, gathered at Dorney Park yesterday for the eleventh annual reunion of the family. Among those who attended were a number of whom those in charge of the reunion had no knowledge.


In the afternoon a program was rendered in the park theatre in which members of the family participated. Klingler’s Orchestra furnished the music. Miss Carrie W. Ritter rendered several splendid readings. A violin quartet consisting of Misses Carrie O. Wieda, Marguerite M. Williams, Mary Blumer and Bessie M. Weidner, all students of Prof. J. H. Johnson, rendered a selection. The Eureka Male Quartet, the members of which are Samuel Ritter, Richard Thomas, Earl Reinbold and Edward Harmony, sang “Kentucky Babe.” The address of welcome was delivered by I. J. Ritter. A young ladies’ glee club rendered splendid selections. A number of impromptu addresses were also delivered. The committee desires to thank all those on the program for their services.



The Ritters are descendants of Casper, Martin and Philip Ritter, three brothers who landed in Philadelphia in 1733 and then drifted to these parts. The forefathers of these brothers were members of a society organized in Europe to fight religious oppression. The officers desire to secure more exact data concerning all the different branches of the family and for this reason blanks will be sent to the heads of the families, to be filled out and returned to the secretary. Any families which may be missed, are requested to apply for blanks.


The first printing press ever constructed in this part of the country was built in Exeter, Berks county, by Francis Ritter, who later owned a half interest in the “Adler,” used this press to print his paper with. 


Following the meeting yesterday afternoon, the entire party took possession of the tables under the trees, where supper was served, most of the women bringing well-filled baskets.


The new officers elected and the various committees appointed follow:


President, I. J. Ritter, Allentown;

Vice president, J. R. Ritter, Reading;

Corresponding secretary, M. L. Ritter, Northampton;

Recording secretary, I. J. Ritter, Allentown;

Financial secretary, Samuel Ritter, Allentown;

Treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Diefenderer, Catasauqua.

Committee on family history, Dr. F. O. Ritter, B. Frank Mohr, H. W. Stephens, Allentown; Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua; J. R. Ritter, Reading.

Ways and Means: Phaon Ritter, Allentown; E. H. Ritter, Egypt; Wilson Ritter, Catasauqua; Dr. E. E. Ritter, Friedensville; Mahlon Ritter, South Bethlehem.


Executive committee, George B. Ritter, North Bethlehem; Erwin Ritter, Ballietsville; A. P. Yohe, Macungle; S. E. Ritter, Easton; B. F. Achey, Quakertown; William Roth, Siegfried; Milton Ritter, RIchlandtown; Llewellyn Ritter, South Bethlehem; John Fisher, Cressman; Albert Kline, Fleetwood; Samuel Laubach, Springtown; Morris Ritter, Emaus; Stanton Ritter, Egypt; S. D. Ritter, Freemansburg; P. J. Ritter, Phillipsburg; David Schneck, Allentown; Nelson Ritter, Bethlehem; ClintonRitter, Hellertown; Tinghman Smith, Cementon; Amanda Musselman, Coplay; LeRoy Rutter, Lehighton.


The Morning Call, Allentown, PA

12 August 1909, page 5

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