Thursday, August 8, 2024

Reunion! 1906 Ritter Family, PA; 2,000 Gathered!

Summertime is a wonderful time for families to come together. Picnics and Bar-b-ques are fun. It is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I will post newspaper articles about several of those events here. I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the past. Maybe you will even find a name you know.  


The Allentown Leader, Allentown PA
9 August 1906, page 1

This year's reunion was published in two different newspapers. The partial clipping (above) tells of an "enormous crowd." The transcription (below) calls Ritters an "energetic and honest people."


The eighth annual Ritter reunion was held at Dorney Park yesterday. The attendance considering the weather, was good. At least two thousand of the Ritter clan were present. The present generation of Ritters is the sixth, while the seventh is rapidly gaining strength. 


The first generation were three brothers, Casper, who settled near Laury’s; Martin settled in Salisbury and Philip who chose Schoenersville as his home. From these three pioneers the present Ritter family sprung.


There are Ritters everywhere in the United States and their name is familiar in every country. The Ritters hold an honest title. Their credit is good and they are an energetic and honest people. Their reunion which is held annually is probably the largest held in these parts. The program as published in the “Morning Call” was ably rendered and listened to by a large crowd. The following officers were elected: President, W. E. Hoffman, Copley Route No. 1; vice president, S. D. Ritter, Freemansburg; recording secretary, I. J. Ritter; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Diefenderfer. 


The Morning Call, Allentown PA

9 August 1906, page 1

I am related to the Ritter family through my paternal grandmother,
Ivr R. Mark Brown.

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