Thursday, July 25, 2024

Reunion! 1900 Ritter Family Reunion, PA; Music, Speeches & Games!

Summertime is a wonderful time for families to come together. Picnics and Bar-b-ques are fun. It is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I will post newspaper articles about several of those events here. I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the past. Maybe you will  find a name you know.  

These Ritter family reunions focus on the descendants of the four Ritter Brothers who first came from Germany to the United States: Paul, Heinrich, Martin & Caspar. Many focused on Caspar/Casper because he remained in the area. My branch, Heinrich, later moved on to Ohio. Small groups began their own events in later years, making it difficult to track the original planners & participants.



Pleasant and Successful Reunion on Laurys Island


Comprehensive History of the Family by Dr. F. O. Ritter of Allentown

Next Year’s Reunion Again at Laurys


The descendants of Mr. and Mr. Casper Ritter held their annual family reunion at Laurys Island on Saturday. People were present from all parts of Lehigh and surrounding counties and all had a very enjoyable time. After a sumptuous dinner had been partaken of the guests assembled in front of the grand stand where the exercises were held. Excellent music was furnished by Ruthe’s Orchestra of Allentown. The singing was led by Edwin Diefenerfer, organist at Salem Reformed Church, Catasauqua. The officers who had charge of this year’s reunion were: President, Israel Ritter [b 1851, son of Jonas & Catherine Ritter]; recording secretary, Dr. F. O. Ritter [possibly Frank Ritter, son of Jonas & Catherine Ritter]; treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer. The president presided over the meeting.


Miss Ida Ritter gave two excellent recitations. The history of the family, which was read by Dr. F. O. Ritter of Allentown, proved very interesting. He had a history of the Ritter family as far back as the 15th century. The first of the Ritters to arrive in this country were Mr. and Mrs. Casper Ritter, who came to America about 150 years ago and settled in North Whitehall Township. They came from Germany. The old homestead is still standing between Scheidy and Egypt and is in a good condition. Dr. Ritter is to be congratulated for his excellent history of the family.


All wore handsome red, white and blue badges containing an American flag. At the business meeting the Committee of Arrangements was given a vote of thanks for its excellent work. It was decided to hold a reunion next year at Laurys and the old officers were re-elected. After the meeting the time was pleasantly spent in games and music. After supper was partaken of the guests left for their respective homes much pleased with their enjoyment.


The following program was rendered in the afternoon:

Hymn, “America”  

Audience Prayer … Rev. Dr. J. D. Schindel

President’s remarks … Israel J. Ritter

Selection … Orchestra … Address … Music and collection

Recitation … Miss Ida Ritter

Family history … Dr. F. O. Ritter

Hymn, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name … Audience

Recitation … Miss Ida Ritter

Selection … Orchestra

Miscellaneous business … Doxology … Benediction


Among those present were:

Dr. and Mrs. F. O. Ritter and daughter Carrie,

E. J. Ritter and daughter Ida,

Mrs. David Esch,

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ritter,

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Diefenderfer and daughters, Lizzie, Mamie and Irene,

Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Ritter, and daughter Ruth,

Mr. and Mrs. John Bear, son Earl and daughter Lydia,

Phaon Ritter,

Viola Ritter,

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Eckert,

Mrs. Samuel Roth,

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Riechard,

Mrs. W. D. Ritter,

Erwin F. Ritter,

Herbert S. Ritter,

Mrs. Erwin Heilman and children Mamie, Samuel and Allen,

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woodring and children Mamie and Harry,

Mrs. Elias Ritter,

Mrs. Millie E. Kline and son Warren,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ritter and children Helen and Lucian,

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Frantz and children Idella, Florence, Mary, Meda, Jay and Aaron,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritter,

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Delbert,

Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter,

Mrs. Stephen Ritter,

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ritter,

Clarence Ritter,

Thomas Ritter,

Mrs. Richard Snyder,

Mrs. John J. Lentz,

Mrs. F. W. Leickel and children Emma, Mabel, Fred and Annie,

Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Hoffman,

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klotz,

Mr. and Mrs. William Klotz and daughter Minnie,

Mr. and Mrs. Phaon Bear,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knappenberger and children Helen, Lillie, Maggie and Pearl,

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Scholl,

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Frantz and children Daisy, Beulah and Herbert,

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heintzelman and children Katie, George and Lewis,

Mrs. Wotring and children Mabel, Anna, Welcome, Minnie, Helen and Ernest,

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Rauch and children Corp and Eugene,

Mrs. Jennie Leisenring and son Chalres,

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Romich and daughter Ella,

Mrs. Tillie Semmel and daughter Sadie,

Ell Bertsch,

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bertsch and children Lillie, Jennie and Jonathan,

Benjamin Millhouse,

Susan Peter,

Mr. and Mrs. Tilghman Roth and children Mabel and Robert,

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marsteller,

Mrs. Owen Laudenslager,

Mrs. Edwin Laudenslager,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oswald and children Fred, Victor, Sarah and Mamie,

Mr. and Mrs. Amandes Musselman and children Herbert, Lottie, Bessie and Allen,

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Steckel and children Lillie, Erwin and Arthur.


The Allentown Leader, Allentown, PS

24 September 1900, page 1

I am related to the Ritter family through my paternal grandmother, 
Ivy R. Mark Brown.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Reunion! 1899 Ritter Family Reunion, PA; Old Homestead

Summertime is a wonderful time for families to come together. Picnics and Bar-b-ques are fun. It is a terrific time for Family Reunions! In Pennsylvania, my Ritter family began gathering in August, 1898. I will post newspaper articles about several of those events here. I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the past. Maybe you will even find a name you know.  

The Ritter family began holding reunions in 1898. The oldest reunion I have found in the newspapers is this one, in 1899. These gatherings focus on the descendants of the four Ritter brothers: Paul, Heinrich, Martin and Caspar who were born in Germany. There were also two sisters: Barbara Ritter, wife of Hans Jacob Hertzel and Anna Ritter. I have seen no reference to the sisters in any of the reunion newspaper reports. Of the four brothers, Caspar is most mentioned in the reunion's records, most likely because he had lived closest to the location of the reunions.

The reunions were well organized, with music and speeches. The family’s history is sometimes included in the programs of the gatherings. Those histories, over the years, included varying degrees of accurate facts. It would be nice to know who originally lived in the "Old Homestead" mentioned in this news article. 


Ritter Family Reunion


It was Held on Saturday at the Old Homestead Near Egypt.


The reunion of the Ritter family was held on Saturday on the old Ritter homestead, near Egypt, when the 101st anniversary of the founding on the home was observed. A bountiful dinner was served on the lawn. David Esch, the oldest of the gathering, made an address. Those present were:


Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ritter,

Miss Viola Ritter,

Phaon Ritter,

Mr. and Mrs. William Schneck

And Mrs. August Kelchner, Egypt;

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Frantz,

Jay Frantz,

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oswald, North Coplay;

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Millers, sons Ephraim and Aaron and daughter Lottie, of the homestead;

Mr. and Mrs. David Schneck and daughter Miriam, of Allentown;

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ritter and daughter Ruth, Siegfried’s;

Mr. and Mrs. John Bear,

Miss Lydia Bear, Earl Bear and Mr. and Mrs. Phaon Bear, Weldasville;

Mrs. A. Shaadt,

Rev. Morris Shaadt, Rucheville;

Mr. and Mrs. David Esch,

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Diefenderfer and daughters Lizzie, Mame, and Irene,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leickel and daughters Emily and Annie, Catasauque;

Mrs. Alvin Eckert, Bethlehem;

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman and daughters Percy, Lesley and Esther;

Mr.  and Mrs. Charles Diehl, Saucon;

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoffman and daughter Ethel, Neff’s;

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fenstermacher and sons Harry and Earl,

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ritter and daughter Helen, North Whitehall;

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Delbert and sons Homer and Warren, Coplay, and many others.


Music was furnished by John Bear and Edwin Diefenderfer.


The Morning Call, Allentown, PA

27 September 1899, page 1

I am related to the Ritter Family through my paternal grandmother,
Ivy R. Mark Brown.



Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Letters from the Past – March 1903 Mark brothers Letter

This letter was written between two brothers. It sounds like William, the oldest of 12 children, was making changes in his life. His later life is a mystery to me. I have not been able to pin down his death date or place. In this letter he does say he plans to move.


This letter was written to my great grandfather

Thomas Kenneth Mark

19 Jul 1879 Wooster, Wayne, OH - 12 Feb 1975 Wadsworth, Medina, OH

Son of William Mark & Elidia Rebecca Ritter

Husband of Nancy Regina Victoria Gruissy


This letter was written by

William M. Mark

12 Feb 1877 Cedar Valley, Wayne. OH – after 1920

Oldest brother of Thomas Kenneth Mark

Husband of Alice Leota Heacock


To: Thomas K. Mark, Medina, Ohio

From: Wm. M. Marks, Box 46, Rows, Ohio

Postmarked: 1903 Rows, Ohio

Letter dated: 3/18 1903


Dear brother,


Your letter received last Eve. we [sic] are all well at Present. I am cutting wood and Building fence if the weather stays warm I can turn my pasture By the 10 of next month. will [sic] move in two weeks. I sold my driving Mare Monday for $150 and Bought one last week that is with foal Tom I will send you an order for the Money on that Note Please send Me the Note The Interest amounts to $6.36 if I made no mistake. I will only charge you $5.00 for the key The balance $40.36 you will find order enclosed I thank you for kindness This leave me a small amount to go in and out of Debt I am feeling good.


Love from all good bye

Write soon


Wm M Marks

Box 6 Rows O

Notice: William used "Marks" and Thomas used "Mark."



Monday, July 1, 2024

Henry Keck, 1786 PA Last Will & Testament

 I am recently learning about Henry Keck. I have seen many places on ancestry and on Find A Grave where his death is recorded as 8 May 1786. This Last Will & Testament was written on that date. Did he dictate this on the day he died? How likely is that? I have seen no primary source, no family Bible or church record of his death.  He certainly died between 8 May and 15 August 1786. If you have a source please share. 

Henry / Heinrich Keck

my 6x great grandfather

1786 Last Will & Testament of Henry Keck 


In the Name of God Amen. Be it remembered that I Henry Keck Senior of Salisbury Township in the County of Northampton in the State of Pennsylvania. - - Being Sick in Body but of sound mind & memory and understanding Do this Eighth Day of may [sic] in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six make and publish this my Last Will and Testament as Follows; First it is my Will that my funeral Expenses and Just Debts be duly paid by my Executors as soon as may be after my Decease. Then to my Son, George I give and Bequeath Seventy pounds Lawfull [sic] Money of Pennsylvania. Then to each of my true Sons Henry and Frederick I give and Bequeath one hundred and fifty pounds Like Lawfull [sic] money to be paid unto them as soon after my Decease as may be. All the rest and Residue of my Estate whatever I may have at the time of my Decease it is my Will that it Shall be Equally Divided to and among my five herein named Children to wit my Sons, JohnGeorge, Henry and Frederick and my Daughter Elizabeth who is Intermarried with John Ritter (my son Andrew being fully Provided for lands in my Lifetime.) And I Do nominate and appoint my loveing [sic] son John Keck and my son in law John Ritter my Sole Executors of my Last Will and Testament. In Witness thereof the said Henry Keck have here unto Set my hand and Seal the day and Year first within written. …


Signed Sealed Published and Declared by Henry Keck the testator as and for is Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presents and at his request subscribed the same witnesses thereto Peter Rhoads, John - - , Northampton County on the fifteenth day of August 1786 Before me John Arnett Esq. Register for the Probate of Wills and Granted Letters of Administration in and for the county of Northampton personally came to Peter Rhoads Esquire and Peter - -  the witnesses to the Execution of the will in written Will and Testament of Henry Keck deceased who on their solemn affirmation according to Law did respectfully dispense and lay that  - - present did see and hear the said Testator sign seal publish pronounce and Declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and that at the Doing these of the said Testator was of sound mind memory and Understanding to the best of their knowledge and Belief and - - that they these - - subscribed their names as Witnesses to the same in the presence and at the request of the said Testator and in the presence of each other which is certified under my name John Arnold (?) Register



Source Citation

Will Books, 1752-1907; With Register's Index, 1752-1966; Author: Northampton County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Northampton, Pennsylvania


Notes: Will Book, Vol 1-3, 1752-1800

Source Information Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.

Original data:Pennsylvania County, District and Probate Courts 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Letters from the Past – Dec. 1902 Gruissy – Mark Letter

This letter was written by my great grandmother 

Nancy Regina Victoria (Gruissy) Mark 

31 Jan 1879 Medina, OH - 24 May 1959 Medina, OH

Youngest daughter of Augustus Ceaser Gruissy & Esther Barbara Wolf


This letter was written to my great grandfather

Thomas Kenneth Mark

19 Jul 1879 Wooster, Wayne, OH - 12 Feb 1975 Wadsworth, Medina, OH

Son of William Mark & Elidia Rebecca Ritter


To: Mr. T. K. Mark, RFD No 5, Medina, Medina Co., Ohio

From: Regina Gruissy

Postmarked: AM Dec 24, 1902, Medina Ohio

Letter dated: 23 Dec. 1902

Written in ink on pink paper


My dearest I’ll just write to you this afternoon to tell you I am well and happy. I hope you are the same. I hope your cold is better. 


I have been quite busy all day cleaning and sweeping and making dooll [sic] baby clothes for Odett’s and Marion’s Christmas dolls and I have been popping corn and stringing pop corn to decorate their Christmas tree with. I have a little more work to do before supper but I thought I would begin you letter first. 


Tell Mrs. Sears and the girls I wish them a Merry Christmas. I wish the same I’ll tell you when I see you Thursday what your Christmas present is or I’ll tell you over the telephone. well I must go now I’ll finish this later.


Well supper is over and my work all done and I am here all alone. I wish you were here with me. Mrs. Hastings just telephoned to me a few minutes ago to come up to the store she has a letter for me. so [sic] I’ll not seal this letter and I’ll tell you who it is from. I am all ready to go but my coat and hat. i [sic] am a going over to Marys [sic] to [sic]. I think I’ll stay there till Hastings come home I get lonesome I am alone all day and evening.

I suppose your [sic] writing to your best betrothed the same as I am. well [sic] Dear I must close with my love and best wishes I remain your own pet. (kisses)  Regina


Forever your own R. V. G. M. come up Thur [sic] eve if you can


My letter was from home


 This chart begins with my paternal grandmother & shows her parents, Regina & Thomas, the people in the letter.


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Saturday, June 15, 2024

My Aunt’s 1942 Autograph Book

My first cousin kindly shared his mother’s 1942 Autograph Book with me. The book belonged to Genevieve Audry (Brown) Wieland Schaperjahn. It was given to her by her aunt and uncle, Roy Edward & Isabell Esther Mark Nee. 

                Genevieve Audry (Brown) Wieland Schaperjahn

3 Oct 1932 OH - 18 Jan 2015 NY

Daughter of Roy Jessie & Ivy Regina Mark Brown

Genevieve, her parents and her siblings had lived in Wayne County, Ohio but moved to Columbia County, New York circa 1940/41. 

The book was signed by many of her Ohio relatives as well as her family and friends in New York. It is wonderful to see the handwriting, messages & signatures of many family members.


·      “Grandma” N. Regina Victoria Gruissy Mark, 1879 – 1959. Wrote: Roses are red. Violets are blue. I can’t think of Another To Write to you.

·      “Your Grand Dad” Thomas Kenneth Mark, 1879 – 1975. Wrote: Roses is Red and carrot is Sweet and so are you.

·      “Your aunt Isabell Esther” Isabell Esther Mark Nee, 1903 – 1984. Wrote: Dear Genevieve; I hope you enjoy filling out this book with names of your new friends. 

·      “Roy E. Nee” her uncle, 1878 – 1963. Wrote: Nov 16 – 42  Hello Blondie. How’s the girl?

·      “Paul” cousin, Paul Kenneth Nee, b 1934. Wrote: I love you little. I love you big. I love you like a little pig. 

·      “Your Aunt Blanche & Uncle Owen” Owen Andrew & Blanche Bowers Mark. Wrote: 1942 Dear Genevieve: - We think of you quite often, You think of us we know, And we just thought ‘twould be kinder nice to write & tell you so. 

      "Uncle Clarence" Clarence William Mark, 1917 - 2006. Wrote: Genevieve Autry Brown took her hat and went to town, the wind blew strong and hard, her hat flew up and landed in the yard.

·      “Jeanette Brown” Genevieve’s sister, Jeanette Rose Brown Sparks Wager, 1934 – 1986. Wrote: Dec. 26, 1942 The valley is green. The hills are bare. I love you and I hope you care.

·      “Leo Brown” her brother, Leo Dwight Brown, 1930 – 2017. Wrote: I love coffee. I love tea. I love the girls and they love me.

·      “Dad”  Roy Jessie Brown, 1902 – 1956. Wrote: To my little fat stuff. Genevieve, The sea is wide and you can’t step it. I love you and you can’t help it.

Thanks to my cousin, Mike, who shared this wonderful time capsule with me!