Monday, July 1, 2024

Henry Keck, 1786 PA Last Will & Testament

 I am recently learning about Henry Keck. I have seen many places on ancestry and on Find A Grave where his death is recorded as 8 May 1786. This Last Will & Testament was written on that date. Did he dictate this on the day he died? How likely is that? I have seen no primary source, no family Bible or church record of his death.  He certainly died between 8 May and 15 August 1786. If you have a source please share. 

Henry / Heinrich Keck

my 6x great grandfather

1786 Last Will & Testament of Henry Keck 


In the Name of God Amen. Be it remembered that I Henry Keck Senior of Salisbury Township in the County of Northampton in the State of Pennsylvania. - - Being Sick in Body but of sound mind & memory and understanding Do this Eighth Day of may [sic] in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six make and publish this my Last Will and Testament as Follows; First it is my Will that my funeral Expenses and Just Debts be duly paid by my Executors as soon as may be after my Decease. Then to my Son, George I give and Bequeath Seventy pounds Lawfull [sic] Money of Pennsylvania. Then to each of my true Sons Henry and Frederick I give and Bequeath one hundred and fifty pounds Like Lawfull [sic] money to be paid unto them as soon after my Decease as may be. All the rest and Residue of my Estate whatever I may have at the time of my Decease it is my Will that it Shall be Equally Divided to and among my five herein named Children to wit my Sons, JohnGeorge, Henry and Frederick and my Daughter Elizabeth who is Intermarried with John Ritter (my son Andrew being fully Provided for lands in my Lifetime.) And I Do nominate and appoint my loveing [sic] son John Keck and my son in law John Ritter my Sole Executors of my Last Will and Testament. In Witness thereof the said Henry Keck have here unto Set my hand and Seal the day and Year first within written. …


Signed Sealed Published and Declared by Henry Keck the testator as and for is Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presents and at his request subscribed the same witnesses thereto Peter Rhoads, John - - , Northampton County on the fifteenth day of August 1786 Before me John Arnett Esq. Register for the Probate of Wills and Granted Letters of Administration in and for the county of Northampton personally came to Peter Rhoads Esquire and Peter - -  the witnesses to the Execution of the will in written Will and Testament of Henry Keck deceased who on their solemn affirmation according to Law did respectfully dispense and lay that  - - present did see and hear the said Testator sign seal publish pronounce and Declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament and that at the Doing these of the said Testator was of sound mind memory and Understanding to the best of their knowledge and Belief and - - that they these - - subscribed their names as Witnesses to the same in the presence and at the request of the said Testator and in the presence of each other which is certified under my name John Arnold (?) Register



Source Citation

Will Books, 1752-1907; With Register's Index, 1752-1966; Author: Northampton County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Northampton, Pennsylvania


Notes: Will Book, Vol 1-3, 1752-1800

Source Information Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.

Original data:Pennsylvania County, District and Probate Courts 

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